I'm so in love with alleys. This is my own.
I had this flashback to the time I felt in love with Minnesota for the first time, though I didn't know it at the time.
The alley that continues from mine.
It was the first winter I spent in Minnesota. In January, my school offers one class for the month, usually something fun. I signed up for a class the took me into Minneapolis for two weeks.
House on the corner.
During most of the time, we stayed at a hostel-type place. But on the middle weekend, we were with host families.
Another angle. I love this house.
For some reason, their neighborhood blanketed in snow seemed so picturesque and cozy and has always stuck in my mind. Now it seems like the first time, not just that I *could* fall in love with Minnesota, which was a long time coming, but that I already had.
Summit Ave.
I also remember from that same winter, on campus, a day that was a cold but bright sunny blue sky day and I thought to myself "This is how campus looked the first time I saw it."
Antique shop across the street.
It took me a moment to remember that no, I actually saw it literally for the first time in the height of summer. But in my mind, my eternal mental picture of it is a beautiful clear winter's day.
The other window display.
Minnesota just looks better in the snow. I was thinking last week sometime that the houses are kinda ugly here. Lots of clapboard and strange colors and, eh, I just didn't like them.
So glad the red door showed up so well.
But tonight, with the snow on them, I fell in love with Minnesota for the thousandth time.
Keep people out or in??
Minnesota looks better in the snow.
Granted, this street is famous for pretty houses Wikipedia link but.
It's like it was made for it, or something.
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