Dropped it smack on the pavement and don't have a good case.
Quickly suffered the five stages of grief. Which really tickled me later, when I realized.
First, denial. More like, shock and strange numb'like calmness.
Second, anger. Coinciding with calling customer service and being angry that Apple could easily make their products more durable, or provide a better warranty if they aren't going to do that, but chose not to and then charge exorbitant amounts when it inevitably breaks.
Third, bargaining. Basically trying to think of ways around my issues, and ways I could have prevented it ("If I could just go back in time and...")
Fourth, depression. Finally felt like it was sinking in, and I started to cry a little.
And, fifth and finally, acceptance. It happened. And now I have to fix it. And it'll get fixed when it gets fixed. Nothing I can do now.
One of my friends is dating this guy who's super tech savvy and can fix it for me, the only issue is I'm afraid the tools won't get here before it's time to fly home (on Monday already!!) even though I paid extra to try to get them in time. Meh. It'll be annoying as all get out to be in the airport with this thing, but nothing I can do, really.
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