Friday, December 23, 2011

A Fitting Homecoming

My mom took me to the Strip on our way home from the airport when I got in on Wednesday, only four days before Christmas. There's nothing quite like the Strip at the worst of times for feeling like the heart of Pittsburgh and smack dab in the middle of the Christmas and Steelers season? Perfection.

I wish I'd taken more photos--I wasn't sure how they'd come out, but they ended up being pretty decent. The day was briefly sunny, too, in between some early clouds and overcast and a late absolute downpour.

I was feeling blasé about being home, but this trip to the Strip was exactly what I needed to put me into the Pittsburgh spirit!

1 comment:

PuzzlB said...

And don't squeeze the Charmin, either! (That was what the weird overalls guy started with, remember?)