Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Reasons I Don't Want to Leave Minnesota (28/30)

I've never lived somewhere like Michigan or Massachusetts, supposedly other hotbeds of hockey. I've never experienced Canadian hockey madness. So maybe there are other places out there like this.

But it's hard to believe.

Let's Play Hockey, in the back, is a weekly newspaper--that churns out 42 pages of hockey news, hockey ads, and hockey stats almost exclusively from Minnesota. And it's mostly amateur hockey, this issue's cover not withstanding.

The bottom was an addition this week: Atlas of Minnesota rinks. There are 16 pages with about 13 rinks per page, equals about 200 rinks. And these are just INDOOR rinks, never mind that every pond in the state gets skated on once it freezes (that's a slight exaggeration since there are so many lakes here but) and many communities put them up in parks, etc.

Anyway, I play on two teams and I'm on enough hockey mailing lists that I get between 2-3 emails per week telling me about hockey opportunities--most of those are exclusively for WOMEN. Yesterday I got on the ice twice, once in the morning with a teammate on her lunchbreak and then in the evening, a women's 3 on 3 pickup game for which I tended goal. Tonight I have practice, Friday a game, and Sunday TWO games.

Find me another place where such things are not just not unusual, not just normal, but somewhat expected and maybe I'll think about moving. Maybe.

Monday, November 28, 2011

I really have no idea so have some cute recent pictures of Puck (26/30)

Went back to work today after a week off. I was dreading it. I've noticed that sometimes when I really don't want to go to a hockey practice or game, it ends up being a great night, so I was hoping it'd work the same with work, but didn't think it would...however, it did! Everyone was in decent moods, and it just seemed like things were flowing and we were working well together. Plus, I had some good comebacks which I don't usually.

Anyway, that didn't seem like enough for a blog post, so have some Puck.

She is constantly giving me this face, and it cracks me up.

"I may be a Puck, but these pads can't stop me!"

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Loving Both (25/30)

People enjoy dichotomous arguments, like cats vs dogs, Kindle vs. paper books

What I don't get is, why do you have to choose? Why do you have to be a cat person or a dog person, can't you be a both person? Why do you have to read books ONLY electronically or ONLY on paper?

I love each of these guys just as much as the other. I actually feel like I appreciate them each more for their contrast to each other and uniqueness. Bentley is so big and thick furred, curious in a "I'm gonna thrust my head in your shopping bag" kind of way, and easily excitable. Puck is dainty and quiet and curious in an observing way, and likes to dart around. But they're both super goofy (one just likes to think she isn't), and they both like to be around their people. And neither of them want to be petted 100% of the time.

In conclusion, I love both of them and I love being loved by both of them.

These are the two books I'm currently reading. My sister in law loaned me her Kindle until Christmas and it's going to be tough to give it back! I find it easy on the eyes, and I like that it's easy to read in bed, because I don't have to hold anything open (although I wish I could press the "next page" buttons with blinking or something), I like that it's portable and would be great for a vacation or plane trip. But how I could I ever abandon paper books completely? Especially since I own a ton that I haven't read yet...

A book is a book is a book, and I'll enjoy it however it comes to me.

Are there any arguments people have that you just don't get because you too love both?

Things I Like (24/30)

My sister in law was asking me what I want for Christmas and I told her hockey stuff. I think people always think I have a lot of hockey stuff but I really don't? I have a lot of pucks, I have a Penguins zamboni, and I have the coasters she bought me last year and that's about it. I also have some art.

Here's some photos of my hockey art, along with the other stuff in my apartment that I really like to give an idea of my style.

I also have a print of Picasso's Don Quixote drawing, love that.

I know there's definitely a style of things I like, but I'm not sure what to call it. Bright, primary colors and bold outlines.

The best wall in my apartment (23/30)

Today, I finally put up the rest of my hockey photos on this wall. Now it's time to go buy more!

I'm not the best photo hanger, nothing is lined up or straight or spaced nicely, but I'm just glad they're up there ok.

An update of my bench in real life use. Note the nice baskets underneath for hats and scarfs and mittens and gloves.

My Christmas stuff that's on top.

Inside is hockey tape (I'm not really sure why, but it works) and things I take out of my purse, like pens and receipts and things.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Movie Review: Hugo (22/30)

My friend Marcia goes to school in Iowa and was in town for Thanksgiving with her family so we met up today for some chatting, shopping, food, and a movie.

We saw Hugo in 3D and it was absolutely enchanting. The movie is about a kid who lives in a Paris train station in the 1930s. His world is colorful and rich, steampunk'ish. His job is winding the big clocks throughout the station so the viewer follows him in these really neat "behind the scenes" sets through many striking camera angles. The movie was two hours long, but it went SUPER fast.

I don't want to give away too much of the plot, so I'll sum up: he meets a girl Isabelle and they have a prior connection that is fun for both of them to discover. Hijinks and setbacks ensue. Isabelle was my favorite character--for one, I absolutely adored her outfit. She's smart, constantly using big words for the fun of it; she reads a lot and she just wants an adventure like the kids in her books. Love that.

There were some superfluous storylines about other people in the train station which I personally thought were kind of boring, but I could believe they added a bit of color and humor to the film. Perhaps they were more important/developed in the book? I also feel like some of the connections between Hugo and Isabelle and their families could've had something more to it. Like what about Isabelle's birth parents? Looking forward to hunting the book down.

There were a couple neat cameos in the movie which I won't give away, but look for them!

All in all, a wonderful film, well worth the 3D price of admission.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving! (21/30)

(if I get 30 posts in this month, it's gonna be a miracle...)


My mom making pies at home

my awesome sister in law Amy fixing my poor iPhone screen!


Grandma's gorgeous house (that my dad designed)

Brother Paul falling asleep during the dog show

My dad took his mom for a ride in his cute yellow car...

ten minutes before dinner was supposed to be on the table!

Amy and I waited for them to get back

There they are, just in time.

My uncle carving the turkey.

Dad, Mom, and Grandma in the kitchen.

Ready for us to eat!

And then we ate and I was too busy eating to take any more pictures. Turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, stuffing, three types of cranberries, homemade rolls, homemade fancy butter pats, green bean casserole, broccoli casserole (I did not eat the casseroles) and wine. And finally, chocolate, pumpkin, mincemeat, and lemon pie for dessert!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Being Thankful (20/30)

It's kind of trite, but what else are you gonna do on such a day? Things I'm thankful for:

• my cat
• Sidney Crosby (deal with it)
• having a job
• playing hockey
• Minnesota
• my family, and the fact that even though they are 800 miles away, I haven't missed a Thanksgiving. <3

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Childhood Room (19/30)

Well, my room from the age of 10. And not all of it, just the loft.

This was the best angle I could get from the front of my room.

here's the entrance

Decidedly easier when I was ten.

View from through the looking glass.

It's now jam packed with American Girl Dolls, stuffed animals, kids books, Polly Pockets and Barbies. Mostly in boxes.

Then looking back down into my room.

My dad designed our house and he gave my brother and I loft spaces. Pretty sweet, really. Even though I took some bad rushed photos and didn't clean anything up.

Yeah, I had a large collection. Santa loved me, or something.

Molly was always my favorite though.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Me tonight (18/30)

No clue why/how I scheduled this flight for the middle of a Pens game.

No clue why I am just that unlucky that it SO HAPPENS to be the game Crosby make his comeback.

But here I am in the airport, listening to Lange on the radio on my phone, and actually beaming/shaking/crying in turns.

And while it'd be nice to see this, or at least hear more than the first period, I kinda like this. On the one hand, Crosby coming back is bigger than me. If I couldn't listen at all, I'm just too happy to really care. On the other hand, I'll be at his second game back on Wednesday and I'm good with that.

And finally, I know I'll remember this. Trying not to make a scene in the airport while having such an extremely ecstatic moment.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

A lovely night and a memory (17/30)

I went out walking in my neighborhood last night about 10pm. I loved my quiet still neighborhood covered in a magical layer of snow.

I'm so in love with alleys. This is my own.

I had this flashback to the time I felt in love with Minnesota for the first time, though I didn't know it at the time.

The alley that continues from mine.

It was the first winter I spent in Minnesota. In January, my school offers one class for the month, usually something fun. I signed up for a class the took me into Minneapolis for two weeks.

House on the corner.

During most of the time, we stayed at a hostel-type place. But on the middle weekend, we were with host families.

Another angle. I love this house.

For some reason, their neighborhood blanketed in snow seemed so picturesque and cozy and has always stuck in my mind. Now it seems like the first time, not just that I *could* fall in love with Minnesota, which was a long time coming, but that I already had.

Summit Ave.

I also remember from that same winter, on campus, a day that was a cold but bright sunny blue sky day and I thought to myself "This is how campus looked the first time I saw it."

Antique shop across the street.

It took me a moment to remember that no, I actually saw it literally for the first time in the height of summer. But in my mind, my eternal mental picture of it is a beautiful clear winter's day.

The other window display.

Minnesota just looks better in the snow. I was thinking last week sometime that the houses are kinda ugly here. Lots of clapboard and strange colors and, eh, I just didn't like them.

So glad the red door showed up so well.

But tonight, with the snow on them, I fell in love with Minnesota for the thousandth time.

Keep people out or in??

Minnesota looks better in the snow.

Granted, this street is famous for pretty houses Wikipedia link but.

It's like it was made for it, or something.