Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A little bit of bragging (8/30)

"Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's a day when you've had everything to do, and you've done it."

The wisest of words by Margaret Thatcher.

My cat refuses to "fall back" and woke me up around 7:15 for cuddles. There's no better way to start the day than with a purring furball on your chest, even if it is early. <3 Anyway I was awake, so I started on the following to do list.

1. Pay bills (electric, cable/internet, renter's insurance, car insurance)
2. Make an appointment for an oil change.
3. Find and call a vet for a cat check up.
4. Return phone message from insurance agent.
5. Get checks together to send to the bank.
6. Call the eye doctor for more contacts.
7. FINALLY call this company who was supposed to send me a replacement phone case about a month ago.
8. Email a former professor and a new contact from the conference last week (the ONLY thing I didn't get to--but today isn't over yet)

....and then it was about 10:30am!

I went shopping and picked up all the stuff on my list and more--like the tree which I've been thinking about for a year, and a sweater which is so perfect I could've designed it myself.

When I got home, I hung four pictures out of the ten I have to put up, and I set up the tree. I took a lovely two hour nap. Then, tonight, I played a GREAT hockey game--we tied 3-3 and I did a lot of awesome stuff including a sweet assist.

And now I'm completing my second blog post of the night.

So, basically, I'm up for the "Most Productive Day of All Time" award. My acceptance speech will go like this "I'd like to thank George Vernon Hudson for inventing daylight savings time and my cat for not understanding it!"

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