Tuesday, November 1, 2011

NaNoWriMo/NaBloPoMo (1/30)

For those of you who don't know, November is National Novel Writing Month. A novel is defined as 50,000 words and in order to write that many words in a month, you have to write 1667 words a day.

My freshman year of college, I was really into writing and so I signed up for my first NaNo, and I finished it pretty easily. The next year, I gave it a good shot but didn't really have any direction and didn't make it too far. Since then, I've given it a brief try almost each year, I think, but never came anywhere even close to that first year. I had the drive, the story, and the time. I'm still proud of that, and I still wish I could go back but ugh coming up with an idea that I can follow through on and be proud of, just...

I love reading and I always feel like I should tell my own stories (and I have at various times in the past), but I read so much, I worry I can't think of any original ideas. Thinking of ideas is hardest for me, in anything. The follow through and running with an idea is easier.

I'm still debating today that I should sit down and figure something out. But in the meantime, I'm gonna try for National Blog Posting Month, instead--posting one thing each day. So here's number one.

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